
Hi, I am Shahid..

I am a full-stack software engineer working remotely from Feni, Bangladesh (๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฉ). I love to work with JavaScript (TypeScript) and all the related technologies. When not programming, I like to read books, do gardening, and spend time with my family.



A small JavaScript library to convert any valid JavaScript date to Bangla date.


A simple library management app built with Electron, NeDB and React.


A project to show price comparison of a book in different shops in Bangladesh.


An electron based desktop application to help managing pc usage.

Recent Posts

Completely Delete Objects From Versioned S3 Bucket

January 07, 2024
2 min read

Recently, I was working on a feature where we needed to delete some files from S3. I followed some instructions from AWS SDK documentation and completed the feature... read the post

Release Electron App To GitHub Using Semantic Release And Electron Builder

February 20, 2023
6 min read

I have been working on a personal desktop project (Deskaide) for about one year and finished some basic features recently. So I decided to publish an alpha version... read the post

Setting Up ESLint And Prettier In A Node Project

October 29, 2021
3 min read

One of the best ways to make a codebase maintainable and consistent is to follow a proper code formatting and coding style. In a codebase with only one... read the post

How To Generate API Key And Secret To Protect API

September 22, 2021
3 min read

I have used a lot of third-party APIs for the last four years. Most of them provided keys and secrets (API key/Client ID, API/Client secret) to access the... read the post

Plants & Flowers

Asian PegionwingsInch PlantMorning GloryPeriwinklePortulacaPortulaca