

Completely Delete Objects From Versioned S3 Bucket

Recently, I was working on a feature where we needed to delete some files from S3. I followed some instructions from AWS SDK documentation…

Release Electron App To GitHub Using Semantic Release And Electron Builder

I have been working on a personal desktop project (Deskaide) for about one year and finished some basic features recently. So I decided to…

My Personal Notes On Redux And RTK

Redux is a programming pattern and library to manage and predictably update global application state using events called . The patterns and…

Setting Up ESLint And Prettier In A Node Project

One of the best ways to make a codebase maintainable and consistent is to follow a proper code formatting and coding style. In a codebase…

How To Generate API Key And Secret To Protect API

I have used a lot of third-party APIs for the last four years. Most of them provided keys and secrets (API key/Client ID, API/Client secret…

Load Google Analytics (gtag) Efficiently in Gatsby Site

Working with the gatsby.js site and google analytics is a little bit tricky if you consider performance. With the latest lighthouse version…

Published My First Gatsby Theme

Recently I was planning to redesign my portfolio. I planned to make it minimal and focus on showcasing my open-source works and writings. As…

Testing AWS Lambda and SQS locally with Node.js

I suppose both of your Lambda function and SQS messages are ready, and AWS Lambda and SQS in are up and running. We need the SQS queue URL…