Following are some of the tools I regularly use as a developer. As technology moves very fast, some of these might get replaced by some other new shiny ones. I'll try o keep this list updated.
- MacBook Pro (14-inch, 2021)
Editors, Shell & Fonts
- Wezterm (Theme: Horizon)
- Neovim (LazyVim, Theme: Gruvbox)
- VS Code (Theme: Horizon)
- Zsh (with oh-my-zsh)
- Tmux
- Font: Fira Code
Personal Management
- Google Keep (for shopping lists, short notes)
- Obsidian (for todos, notes, writings and cheetsheet)
- Syncthing (to sync files between devices in local network)
- Joplin
- Brave (my goto browser)
- Arc (still testing)
- Chrome (use it only for testing)
API Debugging
- Bruno
- Postman
- Figma (for UI/UX design)
- Gimp (for photo manipulation)
- Inkscape (for vector design)
- yabai (tiling window manager)
- Bitwarden (password manager)
- Authenticator (2FA)
- Foxit Reader (PDF reader)